Lone Star Goats

Phone Icon (254) 289-5431

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Nubian Goats

Nubian Dairy Goats in Lampasas, TX

Our Policies and Conditions

If you are interested in adding a few Nubian dairy goats from Lampasas, TX, to your herd, please note some of our policies. Our goat-breeding farm firmly believes that the welfare of animals is of utmost importance. Therefore, we have a few conditions when considering sales. First, we never disbud our goats. Our philosophy is that God gave them horns for a reason, and we are good with that. 
Kids are available throughout the year. However, we do not sell only one goat to buyers because they are herd animals that are happier and healthier when they are around other animals of their kind. 
If you have any questions or want to see our herd, please visit our goat-breeding farm in Lampasas, TX. Contact us for an appointment. 

Meet Our Goats

Lone Star Goats offers livestock that help you pursue your farming goals. We specialize in breeding and raising Nubian goats for sale. This breed is known for its gentle, friendly demeanor and is highly prized for its milk production. 
These large animals were initially treated as dual-purpose livestock meant to supply milk and meat. Over successive generations, breeders prioritized their milk lines. They are no longer considered meat goats today; however, their fleshy constitutions are a reminder of their dual-purpose days. 
Our Nubian dairy goats produce flavorful milk with a high butterfat content, making them ideal for cheese production. They also provide the milk we use for our soap business. In addition, these gentle creatures make adorable pets due to their curious, friendly personalities. Goats thrive as a herd, so they love to be around other goats. 
Contact us today to schedule a visit to our goat-breeding farm, where you can meet these lovely animals. 

These goats provide all the milk we need for our Soap Business.  https://WWW.OAKHILLSOAP.COM

Our Nubian Does

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Abigail Annabelle Meghan

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